
Wilson Ritch Post 432


Contact Us

Want information about our Post? 

Reach out. We will make every effort to respond to you as soon as possible.

Are you a member of the post needing questions answered or the support of your friends?


Mailing address : 1450 Hallock Ave Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776

Telephone Us with your inquiries.  Our Telephone Number is: (631) 473-9774

Use these links to email the officers reflected

commander@americanlegionwilsonritchpost432.org Legion Commander

financeofficer@americanlegionwilsonritchpost432.org Legion Finance Officer

unitpresident@americanlegionwilsonritchpost432.org Auxiliary President

sonscommander@americanlegionwilsonritchpost432.org Sons Commander

riderspresident@americanlegionwilsonritchpost432.org Riders Director

hallchair@americanlegionwilsonritchpost432.org Hall Chairman

You can reach the webmaster by emailing webmaster@americanlegionwilsonritchpost432.org

For general contact E-mail Us: WilsonRitchPost432@gmail.com 


Our Post Web Site is:         (www.Americanlegionwilsonritchpost432.org)


Are you, or do you know of, a member of the post that is ill and

would appreciate or benefit from a visit from our Chaplain, Please contact him to arrange this. 

Tel 631-474-9557     Email



Our Post welcomes your input. Forward your comments, opinions, ideas on how to improve our website. Send us your photos, notices of special events, your fundraisers and other items of interest that enhance the quality of life for the citizens of our community.

Our Post, at it's sole discretion, will publish your contributions we feel are merited. Express yourself.   Become an active member of our community.